Monday, March 7, 2016

{Rewind} Early 2016 and March | small goals

So, it's been a while... but I'm back! I've missed blogging, but quiet honestly there was just too much going on in the past few months. This post is a bit of a quick recap, sharing some exciting news, and setting a few small goals for the month of March.

First, let's recap the goals from December! Seems like forever ago, but I'll make this quick.

1. Host a holiday party. We hosted a small dinner party with our dearest friends. I wanted it to be a bit fancy, yet still fun for some of the kids who would be attending. We did a chocolate fondue and hot coco bar for the kids, decorated an elegant dinner scape for the adults and had fun with a white elephant exchange. 

2. Bake and decorate holiday cookies. Chirag and I both visited my family in GA right before the holidays and had a great time with all of my family. I thought this would be an excellent time to host a holiday cookie decorating get-together with all of my cousins. Everyone loved the idea and we're thinking of making it a holiday tradition.

3. Create a gift idea to give to extended family.  I decided to make the raspberry-chocolate-chip banana bread as a little gift to give all extended families in GA this year. I was hoping to get a lot more creative than this, but everyone still loved it. 

4. Drink at least 48 fluid ounces of water a day. Can't say I did very good on this goal. Increasing my water in-take is something I struggle with still. I think for me it will always be a goal in process.

5. Continue keep up with my gratitude journal. I did well through most of December and early January, but I totally slacked off in February. So goal is to get back this in the month of March. 

Again, 3 out of 5 - not too bad. I'm pretty happy overall with how December went. January and February have been a bit of a blur. So we will just start fresh with my birthday month - March! 

Before I get into my small goals for March, I would like to share some very exciting news. Chirag and I are having a....

Overall, the first trimester was a breeze. No morning sickness, just feeling quiet tired with some back and hip pain. I'm currently in my second trimester and although this trimester has had some complications, we are still hanging in there strong. We are both super happy, excited, nervous, and anxious to meet our little baby girl! 

Now onto my #smallgoals for the month of March.

1. Drink 64 oz of water a day. Since my water goals have always been a challenge for me and it is now more important than ever before. I've decided to make small goals through out the day to ensure that I complete my 64 oz in a 24 hour period. 

2. Upper body exercises 15-20 mins a day. While I was quiet active in my first trimester, my doctor has put me on bed rest for now. Although I'm not allowed to go on long walks, run, or do squats, I'm trying to focus on building up my arm strength. My goal is to start with 15-20 minutes of upper body exercises daily with 3-5 lbs weights.

3. Complete my project for my nephew's playroom. I have started a small project painting baby Looney Tunes characters for my nephew's playroom. His Dad loves Looney Tunes and already has a print currently in the area they plan to turn into this playroom. My plan is to complete a total of 6 characters. I hope my nephew will love and enjoy them for years to come!

4. Continue to keep my gratitude journal. These past few weeks have really made me realize that although things got a little tough, I still have so much to be grateful for. I want to make sure that I continue to count my blessings daily and stay strong and positive for my baby girl. 

Although a couple of the goals for the month of March are repeats from December, I think they are extremely important. I really hope I can follow through with all of these goals and hopefully stay positive, motivated, and on track for this month.

What are your goals for March?


  1. Congratulations! Such wonderful news about your baby.

    Setting small goals to meet a larger daily water intake is a great idea!

    1. Thank you Sarah!

      Yes, so far setting smaller goals through the day has been helping me reach my goals. Let's hope I keep up with it!

  2. Sweet Reshma! So glad to see you back around here and CONGRATS on the huge, exciting news! I've been dying to know what you've been up to, and that makes sense :) keep in mind that Priya is a fantastic, culturally appropriate name for a girl ;)

    I love the look of your holiday table-scape! Also re: your gratitude journal...have you tried doing it on your phone, or some other system besides a literal journal? Sometimes the act of writing in an actual journal keeps me from writing, which should't be the case!

    I am so glad to hear you're doing well, and with re-vamped goals for your bday month. Hope to see you around on this space soon!

    ♥ perfectly Priya

    1. Thank you for your sweet comment, Priya! We will definitely keep your suggestion in mind! :)

      Also, thanks for the tip on the gratitude journal. I've tried to do an electronic version on my phone before, but just hasn't quiet worked for me. In general, I think I like the idea the writing in a pretty journal book. Something new I've been trying is to not limit myself to a specific time in the day. I use to always write in my journal right before falling asleep, but lately I've been writing in the morning. It's been a nice way to start my day off on a positive note.

      It's good to be back and thank you for such a warm welcome! :)

  3. Congratulations!!! Wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy!

  4. Congrats, again! So excited for you and Chirag :)

  5. Oh my gosh, congratulations! So happy for both of you. And good for you for staying and making healthy goals throughout your pregnancy. I'm really glad you are back from your blogging break :)
