Saturday, September 10, 2016

Hello Again

I have been contemplating getting back into blogging for a while now and today I've decided to jump right into it. Since the last post back in April (yikes!), a lot has happened in my life. I am now a Mommy to our sweet baby girl, Riya. Over the past couple of months there have been a few small hiccups. Thankfully, I've had almost 3 months of maternity leave to be able to give Riya my full attention.

In today's post I wanted to write about my thoughts and hesitations about blogging again. I'm sure all of us at some point in our lives have decided to start something new and exciting. Maybe it was a new hobby, a new diet plan, a new exercise regimen, or maybe it was a new blog. In the beginning it all seems very exciting and you're so consistent with it each and every week, but then life happens... you miss a day here or there and promise yourself that you will get back to it, but slowly those days start to pile up and you start to think that maybe it's just too late. Usually, it's been easier for me to get back into my hobby of painting no matter how long it's been... or get back on track with my "healthier lifestyle" after taking a few days or months off from working out. But for some reason it seems a bit more difficult with something more public like this blog.

During my pregnancy I had really wanted to blog about my journey, but after having a complication in my second trimester I focused all my attention on my health. Blogging took a back seat and slowly I just sort of lost interest. When I did feel like writing a short post here and there I told myself that it wasn't worth spending the time... no one is gonna care to read it... what's the point? I was embarrassed about my lack of consistency and laziness. A few months ago, I was worried this would turn into a pregnancy only blog and maybe now it'll be a "mommy" blog. I cared and worried too much about having a defined niche for this blog. But today I'm feeling reinspired by my little girl and I've decided to put those negative thoughts out of my head.

Ever since I was young, I have always enjoyed journaling and documenting my life... for none other than for myself. My blog is like a public journal for me. I'm reminding myself not to take this so seriously. Pretty much each and every post I write is for myself. But I have to admit that I get very excited and feel special when someone decides to stop by and finds interest in one of my posts. I started this blog one afternoon because I was simply inspired by my surroundings. I wanted to document my inspirations so that when I read an old post, like My Spiritual Master or Be Your Own Happy, I able to revisit the sentiment I once felt.

No matter what direction this blog takes I know that each and every post will be true to where I am currently in my life and it will continue to evolve as I do.

I appreciate you stopping by and hope you'll continue to visit every now and again! :)

I'd love to hear your thoughts...Have you ever felt this way?


  1. Well I, for one, am glad to read your updates! Any time I ever get stressed about blogging (it's silly, but it happens!) I have to remind myself that I am first and foremost doing it for myself! I'm a huge journaler as well and love that aspect of blogging. It's always nice to get feedback and know that people are following along, but I think if you're self-motivated, most of all, it stays worth it. I also find that I enjoy following bloggers that most a few times a month just as much (or even more!) than bloggers who post more, for what that's worth.

    Congrats once again on your little one. She is precious- that third photo KILLS me!

    Glad to have you back <3

    ♥ perfectly Priya

  2. Oh my goodness, congratulations! She is simply beautiful <3

  3. Oh Reshma!!!!! This is such exciting news! I've been missing out on reading blogs for the last month or so and slowly been playing catch-up in the last couple weeks. What wonderful, joyous news! Congratulations on your precious daughter - she is so adorable. I love the picture of all three of you - what a gorgeous family. I'm so glad to hear you are happy and healthy. I definitely sympathise with your feelings towards blogging. It's easy to feel overwhelmed, or like you owe something to yourself with blogging because of the public nature of it (as you point out) but it should always be something on your own terms I think. I'll read updates whatever the topic!

    1. Thank you Laila! I hope you will continue to keep in touch! :)

  4. Congratulations, Riya is so adorable! I'm so glad you decided to started blogging again, I've missed your posts. ANd don't worry about being locked in a niche, even if you are a "mommy blogger" there are so many different kinds and yours is unique with what you bring to it.

    1. Thank you so much for your comment Salma! :)
