Tuesday, November 3, 2015

November | small goals

I thought about waiting until January to finally join Nicole's monthly "small goals" link-up, but then again any month is just as good as January to start something positive, am I right?

I have been following Nicole's blog for sometime now and her monthly posts are my favorite. She is always super down to earth, open, and honest. I always feel inspired and motivated by reading Nicole's as well as other people's goals and aspirations. Just the fact that Nicole adds the word "small" in front of her monthly goals gives me hope that I too will be able to accomplish some small goals of my own.

Priya takes her monthly goals a step further and has been setting monthly one-word motto's for herself for almost a year now. I typically take a few moments after reading her post to self-reflect on word of the month. It's interesting how one small word can have such a profound impact on you life, if you only take the time to comprehend the true essence of it's meaning and then apply it to your daily life. I'm always eager to find out what her next one-word motto will be.

Both these ladies have inspired me to start setting monthly goals for myself. At least one these monthly goals will be focused on self-improvement (mind or body). I'm hoping that by documenting my goals, I will be motivated to hold myself accountable.

So without further ado, here are my small goals for the month of November!

1. Finish our yearly scrapbook.

I have been making a yearly scrapbook for us ever since we got married. It runs from August to July of the following year.... don't ask me why! I'm currently on my fourth one and I'm definitely starting to get a bit lazy. I know that if I drop the ball just one year, then it will only go downhill from there. These scrapbooks are very important to me so I really want to make sure to stay on top of it and get it done before Christmas.

2. Start a new book.

The last few books I read have been really good. I'm just now getting into reading and really enjoying it so far. I feel like one bad book and I may fall off my bandwagon. So, I being super selective about my next book in order to stay inspired and motivated to read more. I've been considering Beyond Religion - Ethics for the Whole World by HH Dalai Lama.

3. Attend a photography class.

I have already signed up for a 4-hour introductory course next Saturday, but I want to make sure that I actually follow through without any excuses. This has been a goal for mine for several months now, so this month I'm determined to get it done!

4. Overhaul my closet for fall/winter and make a list of the holes in my closet.

This was partly done over the weekend when I donated several of my old fall and winter clothes from last year. But I still need to go through my inventory and decide what pieces are I'd like to add this year. I always get overwhelmed with all the sales around the holiday season.  This year I want to be prepared so that I'm not distracted and filling my closet with absolutely nothing I actually wanted or need.

5. Be present.

Around the holiday season I forget to be truly present in the moment. I'm always trying to juggle too many projects, worried about the decorations, buying presents, wanting everything to be perfect and trying to attend too many events all at once. So even though I'm surrounded by people who are most important to me, I'm rarely paying much attention to them at all. This year, I want to make sure to be fully present with my all family and friends at each and every gathering. This may mean that I have to make some trade offs, but I think they will be well worth it.

I'm very excited to see how I do at the end of this month! Be sure to check out the Nicole's link-up and share your goals for the month!


  1. Such a great idea - love the idea of starting with small steps. I too am trying "be present." :)

  2. #4 reminded me of Project 333. Have you heard of it? Maybe it'll help reduce you getting overwhelmed if you have a plan :)

    Good luck on your goals as well!!

  3. #4 reminded me of Project 333. Have you heard of it? Maybe it'll help reduce you getting overwhelmed if you have a plan :)

    Good luck on your goals as well!!

  4. I totally agree that there is no need to wait until January to set goals, just start now! I think that you have a great list, I especially like the yearly scrapbook. They will be such great memories!
