Sunday, November 1, 2015

{Rewind} October 2015

{Rewind} posts have quickly became my favorite! This month was fully of visitors! Like I've mentioned before, I think October is really the best time to visit Dallas. The weather is absolutely perfect... just cool enough to where you don't really need a sweater quiet yet, but still sunny and warm enough to enjoy the outdoors.

The month started off with a very short visit from my cousin. I don't get to see her very often, so it was great catching up. Next up, were my parents, cousin, and my grandmother. Having them come for a visit was probably the best part of the entire month!

The next weekend we also had some visitors from California, Heena and B.D., followed by our good friend, Nihal from Atlanta. In the midst of his visit, Chirag and I also babysat Anand for the first time! I think my SIL was partly relieved that Nihal, who is also a father, would be present in order to supervise us. We actually ended up having an impromptu game night with some more friends that evening. It was nice to introduce an old friend to some of our closest friends here in Dallas. Baby Anand was so good during his entire stay and ended up being the life of the party!

In the midst of all the visitors, I also got some time to bond with my mother-in-law over her famous Khasta Kachori Chaat. It was fun cooking in the kitchen together and I can't wait to try the recipe out again soon.

One special evening during this moth was catching a free outdoor concert by the Dallas Symphony Orchestra. I have always wanted to go see them perform, but this outdoor concert on a cool Fall night, under the string lights, cuddling up on the side of a bench with Chirag was really the best way to enjoy it.

Another highlight of the month was watching Aziz and Amy at the Oddball Comedy Fest. It wasn't quiet what I expected, but we had a few good laughs and it was a fun show to enjoy with our friends.

I finally ended the month going trick or treating with our cute neighbor, Radha. I don't really explore our neighborhood much. It was fun to meet some of our neighbors and see how much people really get into the spirit of Halloween here. She looked so cute in her Nemo outfit. Her mom dressed up as Darla, and her dad was the the Dentist. I didn't get the Nemo memo in time, so I went with the easiest outfit I could find at the Dollar Store. I think I was a pretty decent Fairy, wouldn't you say?

Dear October, thank you for such a great kick start into the Holiday season!

What were some of your highlights this October?


  1. We thought the Oddball Comedy Festival was fun but not 100% what we expected or wanted it to be either. Still a good time though! Glad you had such an awesome October. Here's to an even better November!

  2. Wow, so much happened for you in October and it looks like tons of fun! Our highlights were halloween, a pumpkin decorating party at our house and the nice weather :)
