Thursday, February 2, 2017

Favorites | January

Monthly favorites are one of my favorite posts. It's a great way to learn and share about new ideas and products. For me it's a little spin off the Three Things Thursday posts I've enjoyed sharing in the past. I'm not sure if these posts will be centered around any theme in the future: beauty products, recipes, books, etc. For now it's a little bit of everything and anything that I've been loving this past month. So let's get started with January Favorites!

I put this on my Christmas wish list after debating on a Fitbit versus an Apple Watch. I think this Fitbit is a perfect fit for me. I've been trying to loose the baby weight, but being active hasn't always been easy. This has definitely helped to motive me to get moving; not only that, I also like how it tracks my sleep and reminds me to incorporate meditation into my daily routine. 

Sweet Potato Enchiladas 

Where have these been all my life?! I've been making black bean enchiladas with verde sauce for years and it's one of my favorite quick and satisfying dinner ideas. Damn Delicious is one of my favorite food blogs and I was super excited to try this recipe. I never thought about adding sweet potatoes before, but now that I have... I can never image making enchiladas any other way!

Laneige Hydration Trial Kit

I'm always on the hunt for a great moisturizer, but this winter I decided that maybe I needed to take a closer look at my entire skincare regimen. With all the rage about Korean skincare lately, I did some research and decided to give this brand a try for two reasons: great reviews and reasonably priced ($30 for 6 products). I'm so glad I did because I love pretty much every single product in this kit. I definitely be repurchasing the cleanser and the water sleeping mask.

I'm a big fan of all-in-one palettes. Christmas is usually a good time to pick one up. This one made it on my wishlist and I was so excited when I received it! The medium/tan palette is perfect for my skin tone. The shadows and blushes are highly pigmented, a good size, and nicely packaged in a hard case. This is a must for a mommy on the go!

Antilop Highchair

Speaking of being a mommy... as with all things baby, when I started looking for a highchair for Riya there were a hundred different options. After doing a little bit of research and speaking with other mommies, I decided to give this super affordable highchair a try. For only $20 bucks, I can definitely say that this highchair would be my number one recommendation!

Lastly, listening to Joel Osteen for just 10 minutes will leave anyone feeling inspired and uplifted (regardless of your religion). This podcast episode has been one of my favorites this month. It has been a great reminder to keep up with my 2017 theme of being kind - to myself and to others, by not being hung up on things that just don't matter in the long run.

So, that's it! January has been a great start to 2017! I hope this post is helpful or has inspired you to try something new.

What were some of your favorites this month?


  1. So what I do is combine black beans and sweet potato and make black bean sweet potato enchiladas, they are so good. I need to get a Fitbit.

    1. I wasn't sure I'd use my Fitbit as much as I am, but I love it!!

  2. I'm not super familiar with Stila, but that palette looks so gorgeous! The hydration kit sounds like it has some great products in it too- sounds especially perfect during winter months!

  3. I have the fitbit alta and hubby has the same one as you, they are great! I'm totally going to try the enchilada recipe and check out Joel. I could always use more inspiration in mu life. Thanks!

  4. The sweet potato enchiladas sound brilliant! I also will check out Joel Osteen as I could do with some inspiration..! I really love these kind of end of moth round-up posts (do you know Priya from Perfectly Priya? She does great ones!), I've just started doing end of the month round-ups myself this year - one down, eleven to go. :)
