Monday, August 10, 2015

An Incredible Production

On Friday, Chirag and I went to support an incredible group of women who make up the Indique Dance Company. Their latest production is "Yatra: Discovery Through Journey". 

The weather has been bright and sunny this week with temperatures averaging around 104 degrees! So I decided to pull out this super old skirt and pair it with a light cami to wear to the show. Dallas is a city of extremes. I'm not a huge fan of cold weather and bundling up with a big coat. So, as unbearable as this heat has been lately, I have to remind myself to enjoy these bright sunny days while they last because soon it'll be freezing cold!

Indique always does such an amazing job of blending the art of Indian classical dance with contemporary story-telling themes. "Yatra" was no different. My dear friend, Kurti's piece was about her journey as a teenager struggling to fit in and still be true to herself and her Indian roots. It was something I could definitely relate to. There were several pieces in the production which were also very interesting and beautiful depicted through their dance. I have seen three of Indique's productions so far and each time these women leave me feeling so inspired and in awe of their grace and talent.

If you are in the Dallas/Ft.Worth area I highly encourage you to go see their latest production. I promise, you will not be disappointed!

Have you seen an interesting production lately?


  1. I love your skirt! the pattern is stunning!

    1. Thanks Aleczandra! :) The skirt has been hiding in my closet forgot how pretty it was.

  2. Hi Reshma,

    Last weekend, I saw a very unique and powerful gong ceremony. I live in MN so it is rare to see such things, probably anywhere in the US. It was cool. I posted a bit about it in my Talisman post. Your performance you saw looked cool. Wished I lived closer so I could go and see it!

    1. The gong ceremony would be really cool to watch. It's always good to learn about other cultures and their art.

  3. Very interesting! I would love to see something like that.

    1. They actually travel with their productions as well. Who knows, maybe they will end up in your neck of the woods sometime! :)

  4. I love watching performances like this. They showcase how talented our fellow South Asian women are and the efforts they go to keep these traditions alive abroad.

    xx Yasmin

    1. So true Yasmin. In this day and age it's so important to keep traditions and art alive!
