Thursday, August 27, 2015

Three Things Thursday: Childhood Faves

It's time for #3ThingThursdays and this week babies and parenting has been on my mind. Why, you may ask? Well, I just became an aunt last Monday! :D

On our way to catch an early 6am flight back to Dallas after visiting my family in Georgia, Chirag and I received a call that Chirag's sister was in labor! Luckily, our flight was on time and we made it to the hospital just in time for the little guy's arrival. Both Mommy and baby are doing fabulous! 

Having this little guy in our lives now has got me thinking about what I would be like as a parent? I'm sure I'd be a little overbearing and protective at first, but I hope that as I get more comfortable in the new role that I would also be fun and relaxed. It's great to be able to try this role out as an auntie instead! ;)

So, besides just good moral values and excellent manners, this week's #3TT is about the three things I'd hope to teach my newphew (maybe my own kid someday) as he grows up. 

One: Ride a bike

I'm sure that hoverboards and segways will soon be taking over the streets and maybe bikes will no longer be cool, but I think every kid should learn to ride a bike. Even if it's just as a back up plan.... you know, in case the battery runs out. ;)

When I was home a couple of weeks ago, my entire family and I decided to go on a bike ride along the riverwalk. It took some convincing to get everyone excited to go, but in the end everyone couldn't stop talking about how much fun they had and that maybe we should make it a tradition! 

I was especially happy for my mom because she had never rode a bike before. She planned on just walking while we all biked, but luckily the rental shop actually had an adult tricycle. I thought my mom would be a little embarrassed, but she absolutely loved it! It was her very first time on a bike all by herself and I think she had the most fun of us all. 

Seeing my mom ride the tricycle made think of two things. 1) How did she had manage to make it through her entire life without riding a bike. 2) Why didn't we get her an adult tricycle sooner? There had been so many times where my Dad, sister and I would take bike rides on our vacation when I was younger. I actually don't ever recall my mom there with us. 

Riding a bike, like any other sport, teaches kids to be fearless and encourages them to try new things very early in their life. 

I can't wait to teach my nephew and hope to go on many bike rides together. 

Two: Learn to swim

One of our close friends, Jay, takes his daughter to swim class every Saturday. I believe she started about the age of one. Since then, it's always been something special they both do together every Saturday morning. Aside from bonding and spending time together, I think it's great that she's learning a skill that I believe is a really necessity. 

My auntie and uncle (mami & mama) actually taught me and my sister how to swim at a local gym in Bombay before we moved to the States. I remember going with them on a daily basis and always looked forward to it. I learned all types of strokes and different breathing techniques, but what I remember more than anything else is just the fun of being in the water. 

I've heard of some people who are really afraid of water. In fact, my mother-in-law use to be one of them. It's one of the reasons that Chirag is not much of a swimmer. We have gone jet skiing on several occasions and one he will never let me forget is when the jet ski capsized on our in the middle of the ocean! Chirag loves the water, but I know he would feel much more confident and have more fun if he truly learned how to swim. As I've mentioned before, my Dad actually thought himself how to swim in his late 30s. I'm so proud of him for doing so and it just goes to show you that you're never too old to learn something new. 

So, maybe our little nephew and Chirag will learn how to swim together!

Three: Let's play cards

First, by no means am I referring to gambling here! I'm talking about simple card games that I have grown up playing with my family around the dinner table. A few of my favorite card games are: Kachufool (aka Judgement), War, 7-8 (saat aath), 3-card (teen paati), and B.S. Recently, our family has also discovered the card version of Monopoly that's also lots of fun and more convenient to carry around on a car ride or a picnic. 

I know these days there are interactive video games that you can play together that are very engaging.  But there is something about sitting around the table with the family, playing cards, sharing stories, laughing, and having a good time that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside every time I go home.  

I'm sure one of the first card game we'll be teaching our little nephew will be Go Fish

As much as I can't wait to do all of these three things with the little guy as soon as he gets a bit bigger, for now I'm also just enjoying holding him in my arms and making silly faces to get him to smile again... and again. 

Be sure to check out SalmaRaj, or Nisha's blogs to find out more about how you can link-up and share what's on your mind this Thursday.

Are you a fan one of these childhood activities?


  1. totally agree with all three being essential too teach kids, even cards! We've had fun doing all these things as kids and now we are teaching our own children. And from the sounds of it, your nephew is really lucky to have you as an aunt :) So happy to have you linking up to 3 things thursday !

    1. Thanks, Salma! Having a baby in the family really changes so much!

  2. All three of these activities are a part of my childhood! Reading this post def brought back some memories! Loved playing saat-aath with my ba! :)

    And congrats on your new nephew!!!

    1. Aw! I'm glad you enjoyed the post and thank you! :)

  3. Such a sweet post, and something I haven't really thought about before! I love each of the things you listed. Biking is something I was raised doing (both my parents traveled by bike a LOT when they were growing up), I did years of swim team when I was younger, and I compeltely agree, there is NOTHING like sitting around and playing cards with family or friends! Or any board game really, that's one of my favorite things to do.

    Congrats on being an aunt! Hope we get to see some pictures of the cutie!

    ♥ perfectly Priya

    1. Thanks, Priya! And yes, I'm hoping on sharing a pic soon!
