Monday, June 15, 2015

A Weekend Recap

This weekend involved a lot of prep work for the influx of guests we will be having in town next week for the baby shower, as well as taking a little time to go on a celebratory anniversary dinner date.

On both Saturday and Sunday mornings/afternoon we spent a lot of time running errands and working on decor projects. The one thing that was so frustrating was running all around town looking for some blue cotton candy! Don't you just hate it when you see something in stores all the time... but when you actually need it, you can't find it anywhere?! We still haven't found it and I'm trying to come up with some alternatives to fill our glass jars for the cake table... we thought about gum balls as an alternative, but couldn't find blue anywhere either! :(

We did however finish making the all the guitars which are going to be part of the center pieces for the tables. These were actually super easy... says, the person that didn't have to cut the cardboard! I gave that hard task to the hubby. But basically,  we drew a guitar template and cut them out of cardboards, spray painted them on both sides, added some blue card stock, and used white 3D paint pens to draw the strings. We will be using cake pop sticks to help stand them up in black buckets that will be filled with decorative shred paper. I can't wait to share the finished results soon... but for now, here is a sneak peak. 

On Saturday night, we went to Nobu to celebrate our anniversary. I have to say, I was so impressed with this place! It's an upscale Japanese restaurant here in Dallas, but they actually have several locations across the States. If there is one near you, I would highly recommend it.

When I first looked at the menu online I was a little worried because I'm a vegetarian and usually I have a hard time finding something I really like besides a "fancy/tiny" salad for dinner. To my surprise there were several dishes that would be great options for me, but majority of them had tofu. Now as much as I love tofu... I'm not a huge fan of tofu in Japanese dishes. Mainly because most of the Japanese dishes use the soft tofu and I really don't like the silken texture. I still had some doubts about this place, but after reading the reviews we decided to take a gamble. 

We started out dinner of with some impressive drinks. I had the Pina Martini and Chirag ordered the Yamasaki. His was a little too strong for me, but tasted amazing!!! For our main course we went with what our waiter had suggested. My Broiled Japanese Eggplant with Miso was amazing and Chirag really loved his Broiled Alaskan Black Cod with Miso (sorry-no pics). It was the first time he ordered a fish dish and he was really impressed. I enjoyed having a great option besides the predictable fancy salad or tofu dish. We also had vegetarian sushi for starters that pretty good too and the bento box for desert, but the entrees really stole the show.

Although it's a pretty expensive place, I would highly recommend Nobu for a special occasion. 

Our plan was to go watch Jurassic World after dinner, but unfortunately we were so tired from our busy morning, plus we had to wait almost an hour until the next show time. Maybe wenext weekend! 

On Sunday night we had a low key Taco Night at home with the SIL and BIL, plus the season finale of Game of Thrones! I won't ruin it for you if you're not caught up yet... but you need to hurry up and watch the finale ASAP! This picture sums up exactly how I feel about this show. 

What did you do this weekend?


  1. I have heard a lot about Nobu but yet to visit. Also i hear uchi is opening in DFW area soon and that place is amazing!!!!!

    1. Just looked up Uchi and they have a 6-course vegetarian tasting option on their menu... I'm definitely intrigued to check it out! Thanks for the recommendation!

  2. I can't wait to see the rest of your decorations! Those guitars look awesome :)

    I want to see Jurassic World this weekend - hopefully we can work it into our plans!

  3. Wow, so much work for guest preparation, but it will be worth it. And happy anniversary!! Your dinner links delicious. I will have to look up the restaurant and see if they have any Canada locations.

    1. Thanks, Salma. I'm not sure it's in Canada... but I'd highly recommend it if you are planning on a visit to the states.

  4. Congrats on your anniversary! I love Nobu. Went there once a few years ago for a special occasion as well. Looks delicious!

    xx Yasmin

    1. Thank you, Yasmin! Happy to have you stop by! :)

  5. Nobu is great...I'm not a sushi expert but it's pretty delicious! (Although I'll admit I love Whole Foods sushi just as much). LOL

    Happy Anniversary!

    1. Haha... yes love Whole Foods... and thank you!

  6. Congratulations on your Anniversary - you both look so happy together :) Nobu looks delish. Loved that GoT meme - so true! Love John Snow!


  7. The baby shower details are adorable! Happy Anniversary, the food looks incredible :) Hope you both had a lovely evening.

  8. Love Nobu - I've been to the one in NYC. It was amazing. The black cod with miso is out of this world. :-)

    1. Yes, Chirag loved it. I don't eat seafood... but I had a tiny bite... to be honest, the Japanese eggplant was a great veggie subsitute for the Cod. However, I'm not sure a seafood lover would agree with me.
