Friday, June 5, 2015

Three Things Thursday: Exciting Summer Events

Better late, than never... am I right?! Where has the time been going lately? The weeks are just flying by. Yesterday, I was so exhausted that I took a nap after getting off work and didn't wake up 'til midnight! It was just one of those days. Before you judge me for sleeping half the day away... let me just say that I didn't quiet hit the bed til 4am the previous night and I had to wake up at 6am to make it to work on time. Anyways... on to my top 3 this week. I've been getting ready for some exciting events coming up very soon!

One: Baby Shower

I'm in charge of the decorating for my SIL, Avani's baby shower coming up in two weeks! I've been trying to get a head start on several DIY projects I have in mind to make sure I'm not panicking at the last minute. Plus, I wanted to make sure majority of all the work is done before all of our family comes into town. Then I'll just be putting them to work for some finishing touches. 

I might have gone a bit over board

The theme is "Rock-a-bye Baby" and I have to say it's a super cute idea! Plus, there are tons of ideas on pinterest, so I didn't have to re-invent the wheel too much. The colors are going to be baby blue, black, and white. I'm still decided on whether I'll be adding hits of silver. This past weekend, we went on a little shopping spree. I went to several different craft stores and Walmart and let me tell you... Walmart won all the way!! They had a whole section with everything I needed. I was surprised because I thought the craft stores would have better products and selections, but Walmart really surprised me. 

The banner is complete

Two: Katy Trail 5K

June 11th is actually our wedding anniversary and we will be spending it this year by running the Katy Trail 5K.  When we use to live in uptown, we ran (or Chirag ran and I jogged/walked) on Katy Trail all the time. It was easy to hop on since it was walking distance from our apartment. We are both super excited because we've been wanting to do a 5K for a really long time and this will be a great one to start with. 

I've really been "running" a lot since December and it's really something I've come to enjoy. You can read more about it in this post. Unfortunately, with the all the traveling and our hectic schedule this past month, I haven't been running as much in the month of May. I finally started back up this past week, so I hope I can get back to my previous time. I'm really wanting to finish it in 30 minutes, but so far it's taking me about 35 minutes. In any case, I think it will be great to do something fun and different for our anniversary this year, plus we will be joined by some of our friends as well AND... there some amazing local foods at the end of the 5K! 

Three: Jamaica Vacay

Chirag and I haven't taken a trip since we went to Chicago as summer. We had a blast in Cancun a few years ago for our 2nd year anniversary. We love all-inclusive resorts and so we finally went ahead and booked our trip this past weekend... We are going to Jamaica! 

We were trying to decided between Negril and Montego Bay area... in the end it just came down to selecting the better resort and we ended up going with Monetgo Bay. I'm looking forward to beautiful weather and relaxing beaches. We may do a few excursions too, but mostly it will be a relaxing trip. If you have been to Jamaica before and have any tips or suggestion, please do share!

I'm always trying to "get back in shape" anytime we decide on going to a beach vacation. Why wasn't I born with an extremely high metabolism or zero taste buds?! So again, I'm trying to be better about my diet and fitness. So more salads, more running, and more shopping!!! ;)

Are you interested joining #3TT? Please visit the hosts: SalmaRaj, or Nisha's blog, for all the details on how to join the linkup.

What upcoming events or trips are you excited about this summer?


  1. i love katy trail and did alot of my half marathon training there. we should try to catch up there sometime :)

    1. Wow, a half marathon sounds amazing! I'd love to do a mini-meetup with you! :)

  2. wow, exciting plans - I didnt post three things thinking I am late, ha, now I will too - it should be made all day week isn't it?

  3. So much exciting stuff happening! The baby shower sounds like it's going to be great. And I can't wait to hear all about Jamaica. I've only gone once but it was just a day stop on the cruise. Great to have you linking up to #3ThingsThursday.

    1. Thanks Salma! I really love the #3TT linkups... its a great way to catch up with everyone.

  4. Vishnu and I are going to try our best to take advantage of the beautiful St.Pete beaches this year. I hope that quenches my thirst for a beach vacay! :)

    And the baby shower sounds like it will be wonderful. I'm sure your SIL will really appreciate all of your personal touches!

    1. Thanks, Partia! I'll be posting all the details after the shower... I'm super excited to me a "mami"! :)

  5. Wowwwwww Jamaica! That sounds incredible! I hope you have an amazing time. Also, I love the Rock A Bye Baby theme - I'm going to bear that in mind for the future :) x

    1. Thanks Laila! I'm so looking forward to a relaxing vacation. I'm glad you liked the baby shower theme. I'm actually going to be following up with some posts about all the details of the shower... so be sure to check back! :)

  6. Love the baby shower theme, so fun! Hope you share some pictures of the finished product.

    I'm pretty jealous that you're taking off to Jamaica, sounds totally dreamy!!

    ♥ perfectly Priya
