Thursday, July 16, 2015

Three Things Thursday: An Audio Book, A Funny Movie, & A Good Wine

Happy Thursday, everyone! It's that time for one of my favorite link ups: #3ThingsThursday, hosted by SalmaRaj, or Nisha. Be sure to check out their blogs and find out how you can join!

One: A World of Audio Books

I've just been introduced to the a new world of audiobooks! So if you're not much of a reader like me, this is a great option to get you started. I recently finished the audio version of Marie Kondo's The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up.  Although her methods seems a bit drastic and I don't think I'll ever be talking to the items I own... I do think she has a great point to make in this book. You have to tackle an entire category in one go. In today's world, we have the luxury of having living in bigger houses and items tend to be spread all across the house. I'm not sure if I can follow her methods to a T, but she has definitely motivated me to ask myself time and time again... "Does this spark joy?". 

If you are interested, currently there is a Groupon for Audible. You can check it out here.

Two: A Funny Movie

Sometimes a hilarious movie is all you need to get you out of your daily funk. I've been working quiet a bit lately with hardly any time to unwind at the end of the day. So I'm really looking forward to kicking back and catching a good movie this weekend. Trainwreck, starring Amy Schumer and Brian Hader seems like it may fit the bill. 
I'm kinda selective when it comes to comedy movies, but this one looks like one I'd really enjoy. This has really been an amazing year for Amy Schumer and so I have some pretty high hopes. I'll keep you posted!

Three: A Good Wine

Although I love a good happy hour, there are days the end of a long work week when I'd much rather go home and curl up on the couch in my pajamas with my hubby and a good bottle of wine. I'm not much of a wine connoisseur, but I had to share one of the most inexpensive and amazing tasting wines I've  come ever across! I find myself coming back to this one time and time again - The Cabernet Sauvignon by Three Wishes. Ready for the best part? It's merely $2.99 from Whole Foods!
For me it's a super smooth wine that pairs well with almost anything, but if you'd like a more detailed description of the flavors, I'd refer to you this old post from the Bottle Report. I've tried the Merlot in the past, but I have to say the Cab is my favorite. 

What three things are you sharing this Thursday?


  1. This is great! I've not only read The Magic Art of Tidying-Up but I help host a group on FB where we are studying that book as well as SoulSpace. The group is called SoulSpace Online Book Club and you are welcome to join us if you'd like.

    1. Hi Amy! I'll be sure to check it out... thank you so much for the invite and for stopping by! :)

  2. Always looking for good wine recs! Thanks :) You should also check out a wine called Lambrusco. It's a sparkling red wine that's soo delicious!

    1. Thanks, Parita! I'll be sure to check it out on my next wine run.

  3. Dear Reshma,

    I always learn and discover something new and wonderful on your 3-Things Thursday! Thank you so much for always posting such great ideas and tips. I will def check out that audio book and the movie. And that wine - $3 good quality wine sounds like a perfect combination.

    Look forward to your next 3-Things Thursday!


    1. Thanks, Kamana! I really appreciate your support! :)

  4. It makes me smile when you say #3ThingsThursday is one of your favourite link-up! I always love reading your posts. The tidying up book sounds interesting. I am especially intrigued by the part about talking to your clothes. I love a good comedy too, so I'll wait to hear your thoughts :)

    1. It's definitely a great link-up! :) The book is really inspiring... some parts a little too much, but overall the message is just to surround yourself with ONLY those things that spark joy in your life. Trainwreck was pretty funny... the beginning was a little much for my taste, but it gets better as the movie goes on.

  5. My co-worker was JUST raving about this book! I went through my closet that day (I didn't do the BEST job, but I believe everything I hung up was still bringing me joy!) I need to check it out.

    Supposedly SOON TN will be selling wine in grocery stores. And at that time I will RUN to Whole Foods for this! I am so pumped for Whole Foods and Trader Joe's to sell alcohol. Finally.

    ♥ perfectly Priya

    1. Haha... yeah, my husband is from TN and always complains about it! I love TJ and WF!!

      And yay for cleaning out your closet! That reminds me... I need to get on that!
