Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Hummus Pita Pizza

I'm not a very innovative chef. When I first started cooking, I had to follow the recipe exactly! I was scared to experiment and if I didn't have an ingredient listed... well, there was no way I could possible substitute something else.

But overtime, I'm glad to say that this is no longer the case. I think I've definitely gotten a lot more confident in the kitchen. Indian food can still be tricky for me with all the different spices, but overall I'm learning not to afraid to experiment.

I made this Hummus Pita Pizza one day when I was hungry for something to eat for lunch. However, I can't take all the credit for the original idea. My previous job had a really great cafe that my co-workers and I would often go for lunch. I would usually wait in a long line for a wrap at the Sandwich station, but from time to time, I'd be tempted to grab something super quick (& unhealthy), like a slice of cheese pizza. I quickly became friends with the pizza station guy, Jeff.

Sometimes, he would make his own creations and one of my favorites was his hummus flat bread. His version had Mediterranean flavors with feta cheese, bell peppers, spinach, and hummus. It had this extra layer of flavor that I couldn't quiet put my finger on. One day, I asked him what his secret was. He explained that he topped this pizza off with a quick drizzle of some lime juice. It makes such a big difference and totally wakes up the flavors from all the other ingredients. I always looked forward to days he planned on making this flat-bread.

Inspired by Jeff's Hummus Pita Pizza, I created my own version recently. This Hummus Pita Pizza is super quick and easy! Don't be afraid to substitute all the ingredients with whatever you have on hand. I started by spreading some hummus on a pita and added sliced onions, bell peppers, and left over tofu marinated in a peanut butter and soy sauce mixture. Any protein would do or you can make it with just veggies alone... whatever floats your boat. I placed it in an oven at 350 degrees and waited for the pita to get a bit crispy. For the last few minutes, I added a little bit of shredded cheese, until it was melted. After taking it out of the oven, I added a light drizzle of lemon juice and Siracha (my favorite). It was amazing!!! It was the perfectly satisfying lunch. Although, this recipe is quiet simple, I was so proud of my creation. Thanks for inspiration, Jeff!

What dish have you been inspired to add your own twist to recently?


  1. This looks and sounds delicious! We have a couple of naans sitting in our fridge so I may make some hummus naan pizzas this week (and coincidentally I forgot to buy pizza sauce anyways!).

  2. I have never thought of spending hummus as the base of my pizza, what a great idea!! I am going to pin this and definitely try it. Thanks!

  3. Such a healthy creation! I love hummus and can't wait to try adding the lime juice to walk up the flavor. Thank you so much for sharing :)


    1. Thanks Kamana. Yes, it makes a big difference with hummus.

  4. Looks great. So on your pizza, did you put hummus or cheese? Wasn't able to figure that out. I guess this is sort of like a hummus sandwich with veggies. Looks delicious. I wanna make this soon, looks so easy.

    1. I added hummus to the base, then veggies, and tofu. I baked that in the oven and let the pita get a bit crispy, then took it out added a little bit of cheese and placed it back in the oven for a short time... just until the cheese had melted. I hope I explained it better this time. Hope you enjoy it!
