Thursday, May 14, 2015

Three Things Thursday: Time for A Reboot

I almost missed the linkup this week! I've been a little busy with my new job and once I'm home, I'm just looking forward to catching up with some Ellen and not having to study. These past week and half has been very hectic. Last week, I was cramming any last minute info I possible could into my tiny little brain, took my certification test on Friday, and spent the weekend with my friend D, who was visiting us from India! And Monday, I started my new job... during this time, I've really let myself go. Here are three ways I plan on rebooting!

One: A Diet Reboot

Not sure if I've mentioned this before, but I have a major sweet tooth!! Anytime, I'm in full on study mode I tend to eat very poorly. Either I'll survive on black coffee for days and hardly eat a proper meal or I'll totally pig out, putting whatever junk I can possibly find into my body. Well, this past week it's been a little of both. Not only has this bad for my body internally, but it's also resulted in a havoc on my face! Yes, I still deal with adult acne until fortunately. :( I have used countless creams and gimmicks, but honestly I think it all comes down to your diet. 

A few months ago, I discovered this awesome salad kit with kale and brussels sprouts. I know exactly what you're thinking... but actually tastes amazing! Plus, I love how everything is included in perfect portion. I just pop up the bag, mix it all up and usually eat the salad for lunch. I find that when I typically have a salad and yogurt for lunch, I tend to healthier throughout the day. When fuel my body with all the good stuff, I definitely feel a difference internally and can see the difference externally as well. So, this week I'm totally rebooting by trying to eat more salads, fruits, and healthy snacks. I still need my coffee to wake me up early in the morning, but I'm trying to limit it to one cup and setting a goal to finish at least one bottle of water throughout my work day.

Two: A Class

How would a class help me reboot after completing months of studying, you say? Well, I have been wanting to take a photography class for quiet some time now. Chirag and I invested in a fancy DSLR about two years ago. Sure, we've taken it with us on plenty of trips and shot lots of pictures, yet I know I could take amazing pictures if only I learned to utilize it properly. This past Christmas, my brother-in-law so showing me favorites tricks and techniques to take pictures. I snapped this picture below. It was the first time I learned how to blur the background... I was excited to show everyone my picture like a little kid! :) I've been wanting to take classes for a long time, but somehow I always found an excuse as to why I couldn't do it. I think having a hobby and learning something new is a great way to reboot yourself and find something new to be excited about. So, I've decided that before the end of this summer, I'm going to take a photography class and hopefully be able to share higher quality pictures here on the blog as well!

Three: A Vacay

The last time Chirag and I took a trip was back in September of last year! Ever year we try to take one international trip around our anniversary. Last year, we ended up going to India around January to visit family, so  instead of taking another international trip, we went to Chicago instead. By the way, it's one of my favorite cities! If you haven't been yet, I would highly recommend it! We stayed in 2 different hotels and in 2 different parts of the city during our time there. I really loved how pedestrian friendly it was, plus we were able to take the train into the suburbs to visit Chirag's family for a day and come back to the city... all without renting a car! Biking around the city and having a picnic in Millenium park was my favorite part of the trip. It feels like years ago now... so, needless to say I'm ready for another one!

We've played around with a few ideas. As much as I would to tour a new city though, I'm really ready to go somewhere close to the beach, sunny, and all inclusive! We've been playing with the idea of Puerto Rico, Jamaica, or maybe even Brazil. What's better than a vacation to help you reboot, am I right?

I'm feeling re-charged just thinking about these things already! Time to make a healthy dinner for tonight. Are you interested in sharing you top threes this week? There no hard and fast rules... just share any three things you'd like. Visit the hosts: SalmaRaj, or Nisha's blog, for all the details on how to join the linkup. 

How will you be rebooting this weekend?


  1. I love the idea of bagging salads for lunch - it would save me from the trap of eating random leftovers without thinking about it (eeps). Chicago is such an incredible city - reading this made me want to go there again, but alas no plans ...sniff. You have a lovely blog, can't wait to see your awesome pics!

    1. Thanks Sarah! So glad to have you stop by :)

  2. Wow, I'm impressed that you wrote the post even though you've been so busy! I've had that kale and cabbage salad, it is really good and super easy. I really want to learn to use my DSLR more too. Make sure to write a blog post and share the tips that you've learned! Have a great weekend!

    1. Thanks for the great idea, Salma! I'll try to make a post as I'm working through the class and share some of my pics along the way to better photography.

  3. Replies
    1. You're so sweet! I'm still tweaking this blog... learning a lot along the way, so you'll probably be seeing a lot of changes along the way.
