Thursday, May 21, 2015

Three Things Thursday: A Few Favorites

One: A Cheese Plate

I really didn't have much going on this past week... I did get a chance to hang out with my friends K & V on both Friday and Saturday night after a long time. On Friday, we went to Proof + Pantry for some drinks. When I was asking K where we were headed... the whole time I kept hearing "Poop and Pantry". I'm pretty sure an 80 year old woman probably has better ears than me! 

Anyways, when we finally got there I understood the "Proof" part. They had some amazing drinks... too bad I can't remember the name of the one I had. However, what I can remember is this amazing cheese plate! Doesn't it just look so perfectly balanced? K & V actually gifted us an awesome slate cheese plate set just like this one as a house warming gift to us last year. I absolutely love it because it's something I would have never thought I'd use a lot, but now that I have it, I use it all the time!
We have used it several times for a "wine & cheese get togethers" at our place. I typically use 2 to 3 different types of cheese and this Hot & Sweet Pepper Jelly from Trader Joe's. It's delicious... you must try it! Typically, I use crackers, but I really enjoyed the cheese plate at Proof + Pantry with the crostinni breads... it was a little more filling. I love the art of displaying the perfect cheese plate, it just makes the whole evening feel a little more fancy and sophisticated.

Two: A Movie

On Thursday, Chirag and I went to go see Pitch Perfect II. If you loved the first one, I don't think you'll be disappointed at all. I do think the first one was better overall, but isn't that the case with majority of sequel movies? One of my favorite characters in the movie is 'Fat Amy'. I think she is just amazing! She has so much confidence, knows totally who she is and doesn't apologize for it. She's not afraid to be honest and tell is how it is, but at the same time she also does it in her own funny way without being rude or mean. She totally owns herself. I'm not trying to be a big feminist here... but I do think that in today's society it's important to have women characters like 'Fat Amy' to teach our younger generations to not be afraid own who they are. It's ok not to be cookie-cutter and fit into what everyone else classifies as "normal". Be different and totally own it!

Three: A Mom

Speaking of an amazing lady... I really do think that I have one of the best mom's in the world! I haven't always made this job easy for her... I've been known to push her buttons several times! But somehow, she has learned patience and survived my crazy childhood years. She really knows how to perfectly balance being there for me, but also give me my space and make my own mistakes when I need to. She has ran to come see me when I've just needed her to be here for a hug and emotional support and she's also been a phone call away at anytime of the day to just listen when I've needed to vent.
She took this entire past weekend to drive up to Atlanta with my sister to help her get settled into her new apartment. Plus, she took time out to listen to me and my crazy emotional ups and downs this past weekend as well. She even tracked me down at my new job on Tuesday when I was too caught up with work and forgot to text her back... just to make sure I was back to 'normal' and that everything was ok. That's just what moms do!

My mom has always worked a full-time job and it's not always been easy for her to make sure to give the time and attention both me and my sister have always demanded of her. She has taught me to be strong and determined in whatever I set my goals to be. As I get older and have my own responsibilities and obligations, I've really come to appreciate how my mom has balanced her career and family life. Many people say that I'm a mini version of my mom... I'm proud to say, "Yup, I sure am!" :)

Interested joining #3TT? Please visit the hosts: SalmaRaj, or Nisha's blog, for all the details on how to join the linkup.

What were some of your favorites this week?


  1. Love this post! Could not agree with your assessment of 'Fat Amy's' character. She totally made the whole movie! And I too love how she is who she is and doesn't let stereotypes and other people bring her down!

    And your mom sounds a lot like my mom! We are very lucky to have women in our lives who are not only the best role models but the best moms!

    1. Yup! Totally agree Partia... I'd be lost without my mom!

  2. Love this post. Proof + Pantry looks so yummy :) Can't wait to see Pitch Perfect II! And love how close you are with your mom and sister. I have one sister too and my mom worked whiled raising us. Our moms are very similar and love how you too are a mini version of your mom :)

    1. Thanks Kamana! Hope you like the movie... I think it's definitely worth a watch.

  3. Aren't moms the best! Yesterday I had to call my mom for a little rescuing and I was like - I'm 35 years old and you are still rescuing me, her response; you'll do it for your kids too! Have an awesome weekend & thanks for linking up :)

    1. I agree... I don't think you're ever too old to call upon your mom. I know my mom actually loves whenever she can help and makes her feel wanted :)

  4. East or west moms are the best :-) . Talking of moms, I still call her like three times a day for one thing or the other and she asks me - "what now??"

    1. Yup... all around the world... mom's are the best :)

  5. cheese platter is calling my name!

    1. I could definitely go for seconds on that one!

  6. LOVE cheese platters and I haven't had that pepper jelly in years! Now I need to go out and buy some! And you're mom does sound really wonderful! I hope I can have a great relationship like that with my kids when they are older!

    1. Definitely give the Trader Joe's one a try... it's my favorite! And I can already tell from your blog that you are an amazing mom as well! :)

  7. That chees platter's literally perfect and it reminds me that I should never read about food on an empty's literally growling now :D

    Jasmin xx

    1. So true! Anytime I watch food network on an empty stomach, I'm in trouble!

  8. I love reading about people's relationships with their mom. It always give me the warm fuzzies and makes me thankful for my own mom, too! What would we do without them?! Your mom sounds like a gem, for sure.

    ♥ perfectly Priya
