Sunday, September 20, 2015

Confessions To Self

As the title indicates this post is about a few confessions I need to make to myself regarding the past few weeks.

Part of the reason I started blogging was to hold myself accountable and lately I haven't doing such a good job. 

1. I have not gone to sleep before 11pm on any given day in the past month.
2. I have not been my own happy and turned to my husband to make me feel better.
3. I have not gone on a run in the past two weeks... or worked out for that matter.
4. I have not been patient or understanding this past week.
5. I have not counted my blessings recently.

What have I been doing? Working and worrying... a lot! I do love my job very much, but sometimes I  put added pressure on myself to constantly push myself.  Although it does make me feel quiet accomplished at the end of the day, I also start to feel very worn out and obviously there are trade offs I have to make in other parts of my life.

I am also a notorious worrier. I tend to worry about problem even before it occurs. It's my type A personality and need for always have a plan B. I not only stress myself out, but also those around me... or more precisely, the person who spends the most amount of time around me, my husband. In turn, this puts a strain on our day to day relationship.

Pretty much every single point above has bee due a trade off I have made in the past few weeks. I have made excuses for why I need to stay up to finish one more project or why I have let my emotions overwhelmed me instead of staying calm and patient. Majority of my worrier has also been due to the fact that I have failed to appreciate the positive in any given situation. I have failed to give gratitude and count my many blessings.

My hope in writing this post, is to confess these shortcomings to myself and to grow from here. For example, I did go for a jog this morning and I'm already in bed ready to turn off the lights as soon as the clock strikes 11!

Just like everyone else, I'm a work in progress and I'm getting there.


  1. I think being mindful of these things is a first step. yayy for morning job. Let me know if you want to meet up for a drink or something :)

    1. Thanks for your encouraging comment, Dixya! We need to plan again something soon.

  2. totally agree with, d. and as a fellow type a personality, i know how hard it is to stop worrying and put those plan bs aside. but the only thing you can do is take it one day and goal at a time!

    1. So true. That's actually what I've been telling myself and only trying to focus on one goal at a time.

  3. That's so proactive that you decided to write it down and make the issues clear for yourself! That's an excellent first step, and I bet afterwards you felt a lot better and in control. I'm kind of in the same boat as you (too many projects, not enough sleep) so the next time I feel like I'm on the edge I'm going to do this too. I hope this week is going smoother for you :)

    1. Yes, totally! Actually, right after this post I think my whole attitude about each of these points changed. I've already started to consciously take steps and made great progress this week.

      Thank you so much for your encouraging thoughts and comments. :)

  4. Well just remember to also be kind to yourself as you're focusing on goals! I always say, they're just goals, because we're trying to attain them. If we were already there, we'd be perfect! I think it's easy (and pretty forgivable) to let things like emotions and exercise slide when we're busy, tired, and working hard. So don't beat yourself up. But maybe write a reminder of your goals somewhere you will see if often (like a bathroom/bedroom mirror!) Go get 'em!

    ♥ perfectly Priya

    1. That's a good idea! Thanks for your supporting words.
