Thursday, September 24, 2015

Three Things Thursday: My DVR Line-Up

Here we are again... almost at the end of another week! I really can't believe how fast this month is just flying by.

Unless you've been living without a tv for the past few weeks, you know that this week is all about the season premieres for some of our favorite TV shows for the Fall.

So for this week's #3TT, I thought I'd share the top three shows I will be watching. Just FYI: I tend to stick with what I know... so these aren't the newest shows this season, but I know these are a few from my tried and tested bunch.

Let's set the DVR, shall we?

One: Modern Family

This one has almost become a classic show for me. It's like Friends from back in the end... I can pretty much watch each and every episode over and over again and not be bored. Just like Friends, it's also very hard for me to pick my favorite character... Chandler or Ross? I may have to go with Phil or Cam here... but it's just too hard to decide! This season I can't wait to see what happens with Haley and Andy. I call him mini-Phil. Each and every character is so unique and I love that the show always demonstrates that it's ok (if not great) to be different. It screams, be different and own your true self!

Two: Scandal

I'll be honest, I didn't watch this show when it first started and didn't think I could get into it. But after watching one of the very first episodes one evening, I was totally hooked... Chirag and I pretty much binged watched all the episodes on the weekends and last Fall it was so hard to wait a whole week for the new episodes. Towards the end of last season, when I wasn't sure I'd be interested in the show anymore, Shonda Rhimes pulled me in again. I think this season is going to be filled with unexpected surprises! 

Three: Big Bang Theory

So, I know I'm late to this party... as I always am, but I've been watching old re-runs of this show lately and I think it's really funny. Sometimes, you just don't have a whole hour to devote to watching a show. I haven't caught up with all the episodes yet, but I'm still looking forward to the newer ones coming up. I love how my nerdy, star trek-y side can totally relate to this show. But honestly, it's a great show for anyone to watch. I'm slowly seeing Chirag get into the show too. He is anything but scientific! 

Three + 1: Game of Thrones

What can I say? I'm a rebel at heart, but I just couldn't leave Game of Thrones out. Does this one even need an explanation? Peter Dinklage is seriously one of my favorites and I was so excited to see him win his second Emmy this week!

I really wish I had the time to watch so many other great shows I've been hearing about. How to Get Away with Murder is definitely on my list and I'd love to read about some of your favorites. So be sure to check out SalmaRaj, or Nisha's blogs to find out more about how you can link-up and share your top Threes (or Three + 1) this Thursday. ;)

What show will you be seeing your DVR to record?


  1. TV shows are one of my favourite things about Fall (aside from cozy fall fashions :)) We just started Scandal on Netflix last week and we are hooked! We don't get game of thrones yet but I've heard lots of good things! I'm also looking forward to Big Bang Theory and Nashville! Happy to have you linking up to 3 Things Thursday.

    1. I've heard Nashville is really good... it's on my list!

  2. Hi Reshma, it's nice to 'meet' you. This fall, I've been looking forward to Minority Report starting and I really enjoyed it. I'll have to check out Game of Thrones, too. It seems to be very popular. I'm glad I found your blog today. I really enjoyed the visit... :)

    1. Hi Dee! Thanks so much for stopping by and you're sweet comment. :)

      I haven't checked out Minority Report yet, I'll have to look it up. Thanks for the recommendation!

  3. Reshma!! I hope you are doing well. Happy October!

    I watched the first couple episodes of Scandal with my sister one time (she's a fan) and really liked it! I definitely need to come back to it. I don't watch a lot of TV so I'm very selective about it, and usually watch one thing at a time. Right now it's Parks & Rec, still finishing Breaking Bad, and I just started Mad Men. So, three things I guess haha.

    ♥ perfectly Priya

    1. Happy October, Priya! :) I started Breaking Bad with Chirag, but never finished it. He absolutely loved the show though. We also use to watch Mad Men and then it fizzled off for us... I hope Scandal keeps us interested 'til the end! I haven't checked out Parks & Rec, but I'll put that on my list.

  4. Hey Reshma! I wish I knew why but none of my comments are posting! I thought I had you on twitter but can't find you. Hopefully this comment works! I love all the photos of you and your family in the previous posts and the chaat looks divine - I wish I was a better cook and could try! I hope your October is going well so far. I love Modern Family and I think its so great. I also watch a lot of Will & Grace which is a slightly older show but one I still enjoy. :) x
