One: A Journey
I didn't realize it but last Thursday was actually my blog's one month anniversary! Time flies when you are having fun! This blog is really about documenting my journey through this crazy life. I followed many blogs for years now and always thought about what it would be like to start my own. I was just feeling very inspired the day I wrote my first very blog post and I really didn't have any concrete idea in my head. I just wanted to share how I was feelings and things that inspire me in all aspects of my life. Like most people, I'm still trying to find myself (even in my 30s) believe it or not, but I guess the journey of self discovery is never ending.... otherwise life would be boring, am I right?
Two: A Fear
Besides overcoming the fear of starting something new, like this blog, this week I also over came my fear and posted my very first outfit post! I really appreciated the positive comments and tips I received. At first I was over thinking it all too much... my pictures didn't have the perfect lighting or the lack of my photography skills... and too worried about coming of as a 'silly wanna be model' or being criticized. But then I asked myself... 'Do I ever think that way of other bloggers, who post their pictures? No. I get tons of inspiration from others sharing their personal style.' So then, why was being so silly and over-thinking it? It was also nice to know that someone else related with how intimidating and awkward I was feeling about this post. It's not easy to put yourself out there, but honestly, I'm glad I did and all your positive and encouraging feedback truly means so much! Thank you :)
Three: A Community
This past week, I joined the South Asian Bloggers Network. This community was started by two inspiring women, Salma Dinani and Raj Thandhi. I had no idea that there were so many other South Asians bloggers out there! My blog doesn't have a set theme, like food, fashion, fitness or lifestyle... it's just a mesh of everything that I feel inspired to try and things that just make me happy. To me my blog is more like a public journal. Sometimes, it can be hard to find a sense of community in the 'blogsophere' when you're into a little bit of everything and still trying to find your blog's identity. I love the sense of community I have found through this network. They are all very welcoming. I'm still very new, but I've already discovered some amazing people through reading their blogs. Plus, I've come across tons of inspiring ideas from food, to fashion, to home, to self-help articles... there are so many different types of people and blogs in this community and that's what really love! I'm also excited to try, document, and share these inspirations and my experiences with you here!
So, those were my top three for this week. I would love to read what you've been up to and get to know you better. Please visit the hosts: Salma, Raj, or Nisha's blog, for all the details on how to join the linkup.
Are you interested in sharing your top three this week?