Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Inspired Style on a Budget

I mentioned in my previous post that I have been spending a little extra attention to my wardrobe and trying to make better decisions on how I spend my money. So, I thought that it might be a good idea to join the Monthly Budget Link up on Franish.

I have been following Franish for quiet some time now. She is super relate-able, real and down to earth. Even though she is a super busy medical student, somehow she finds the time to keep her blog updated with really good content at all times. Besides fashion posts, she also writes on various other topics. Like her post on Medical School Dating and Studying in Medical School. My favorite are her Sunday posts were she also mentions some Medical Tidbits. Being is the same field, I enjoy the little random facts she posts.

I've been keeping track of my purchases on a word document for well over a year now. I started simply to keep track of my spending and return dates on items I wasn't sure about. You see, I had/have a major problem. I tend to buy items, especially when they were on sale... thinking that I absolutely "love it" or "it's just such a great deal!", only I realize a few weeks later that I am NOT interested in the item at all! Sometimes, I have no idea how to style an item. Other times, I have returned a classic, timeless piece, thinking I'll never wear it, when it in fact it was a closet staple that I end up missing when I actually needed it to complete an outfit! I end up regretting my decision, yet again! Over 50% of my purchases go back to the store (sometimes more!). It was/is a vicious cycle and even if I remember to return items in a timely manner, in reality it's just a such a waste of time! I blame it all on being Pisces and being extremely indecisive! :(

So, my goal in 2015 is to work on being more decisive and making better decisions in several areas of my life, including my wardrobe! I've learned a lot from the some of my favorite style bloggers. They have really inspired me to try things outside of my comfort zone and helped me learn that classic, well-fitted, staple pieces at a must! So, I've come up with a plan. From now, on when I purchase an item I have a simple three question checklist the item must meet.

1) Is it a classic piece that fits me like perfection?
2) Is it a "trendy" or "expensive" piece I would actually wear at least 3 different ways?
3) Can I afford it as part of monthly budget?

I think my purchases for February and March are about 90% on point with this checklist. I did venture out of my comfort zone quiet a bit in March! Spring/summer is when I were pretty much live in dresses. And I do have several trips coming up so I'm sure I'll get good wear out of them. But, I still think 5 over the course of 2 months is a lot, so I still need to work on refining and sticking to the guidelines better. Overall, I'm pretty happy with this round up! :)

Feb-March Purchases

Old Navy white dress / Short red dress / Red cocktail dress / Old navy dress / Crochet top / Raglan sleeve top / Old Navy white vest / H M jacket, $37 / J Crew red skater skirt / H M mini skirt, $37 / Old Navy blue bathing suit / Old navy activewear / Old navy activewear / LOFT

In addition to these items, I also got a simple long sleeve stripped tee and sleeveless black sparkly top classic items - both for $7 total @ BR. A few of the items that I purchased at the end of the month haven't come in yet, like this orange skirt. What was I thinking, again? haha... but I did come up with 3 ways I'd wear it before I purchased it online. Unless I absolutely don't like the fit, I do plan on keeping the late arrivals.

Total $327. It a bit scary to put all these numbers out there for everyone, but I hope that this just allows me to hold myself more accountable for my decisions.

April will be a "Shopping Fast" month. I do this every few months. I don't open any sale emails and pretty much avoid the mall completely. It always feels good at the end of the month for two reasons 1) a sense of accomplishment 2) having more free time for everything else in my life... and a bonus, extra money in the bank! :)

Do you keep a monthly clothing budget?


  1. A blog is seriously such a good way to keep track of your style. That might be my very favorite part of blogging, just looking back on past outfits and what worked/didn't work, and what I've worn the most. This might seem vain, but for someone interested in fashion, it's really just keeping a record. Like, everyone keeps a record of their hobbies, right?? I think you will find this super helpful!

    I think the biggest mistake I make (...when I'm shopping) is compromising on fit because I really like something. The problem there is that you just DON'T wear items that don't fit! So it's a waste!!

    From your picks it looks like you have pretty fab style...maybe you'll choose to share some outfits someday!

    ♥ perfectly Priya

    1. Thanks Priya! Yes, I never realized how much I was compromising on fit until I started paying more attention to it! My style has definitely been evolving a lot lately, so can't wait to share and get feedback. I'm hoping overtime I'll be brave enough to finally post my own outfit pics!
