Thursday, April 2, 2015

Three Things Thursday

I'm still new to the whole blogger community but I've already discovered some great blogs and started to really get to know some amazing ladies! So today I've decided to linkup with Nisha, Salma and Raj for Three Things Thrusday. I think that it's a great idea so here my three favorite things from this week.


Dallas has some amazing places to eat and one that I've visited twice this week has been VBB (Village Burger Bar). We use to live right above a location when we lived in the city and now they have opened up another location 5 mins away from our new townhome! My absolute favorite is the portebella goat cheese burger and their shoestring fries - they are seriously addictive with the chipotle ketchup! They have a great outdoor patio so I have a feeling I'm going to be going there a lot to enjoy this great spring time Dallas weather before it gets scorching hot!!


Yesterday was my SIL, Avani's birthday! We share the same birthday month so March is always an exciting month for us both! Her birthday is on the 31st and mine is the 3rd so we pretty much find a reason to celebrate our birthdays all month long! It was a low key birthday since it was a weekday, but we did go out for dinner at a really nice Turkish Cafe. This birthday is extra special for her, but I'll  expand more on that on a future post ;)


This past Monday marked one whole week of blogging for me! :) I was pretty intimidated in the beginning, but now I think I'm settling in well into my little corner of the blogger world. I wanted to share the blogs of two sweet ladies I've been following this week - Priya from Perfectly Priya and Parita from My Inner Shakti. I have really enjoyed reading their posts and getting to know them better through their blogs. Below is one of my favorite posts from each of their blogs.

Priya's 2015 resolutions are really cute and fun! I love the one word motto... and this post kind of reminds me not to take life so seriously and pay attention to the little details - like writing a letter.
Parita's post on Know Your People really stuck with me because it really took me awhile to find "my people" after moving to a new city, but when you know... you know! Now I have a small but close group of friends who I really care about and can be myself around.

What were your three favorite things from this week?

Oops! I'm not sure I "linked up" correctly :(


  1. Thanks for commenting on my blog so I could find yours! Love it!

    So much to comment on here - first of all, HBD!!! Have you been to Torchy's Tacos yet? If not, you must! SO GOOD! And finally, thank you for linking to my post - glad you enjoyed it.

  2. Thanks Parita! It was nice to find your blog as well! :)

    Yes, I love Torchy's.... the fired avocado taco is my favorite! If you are ever in Dallas you have to check out Velvet Taco closer to uptown. I'm always torn between Torchy's and Velvet. They have a delicious panner tikka taco I crave every time we are in the area!

  3. Hi Reshma, so great to have you linking up to 3 Things Thursday and happy one-week blogiversary! The blogging world really is wonderful. You meet some many great people and read so many wonderful things. By the way, that burger sounds delicious!!! And happy belated birthday to you and you SIL. Looking forward to getting to know you and you blog :)

    1. Thanks for your sweet comment Salma! It's nice to connect with you as well! :)

  4. Aw, thanks SO much for the love!! I really appreciate your thoughtful comments, and I'm so glad we've been able to connect!

    I'm so glad you are finding your niche within blogging. It can be a really great creative outlet, community, and way to keep track of your life.

    ♥ perfectly Priya

    1. You're so welcome! So far, I've really enjoyed blogging and I'm just thinking of it as my little journal that I'm sharing with friends online. And I have really liked getting to know you through your blog! :)
