Thursday, April 16, 2015

Three Things Thursday: A Glimmer of Light, A Power(ful) Day, & A Precious Relationship

One: A Glimmer of Light

I won't bore you with all the details, but these past several months I've been in quiet a rut. I know people all around the world have way bigger problems than my own, so I really can't complain! I'm very blessed, but I'm sure everyone can relate to a time in their lives when they just couldn't see the light at the end of the tunnel. Overall, I've tried to think positively and not let it get me down, but it had been getting harder and harder this month. Until this week! I'm final saw a sign and a slight glimmer of light at the end of that tunnel.. and I'm sure that soon everything will work out for the best! I just need to continue to stay patient (not my strongest attribute). I'm not totally out of the woods yet, but sometimes you just need a sign to give you hope when you're down so you can continue to stay strong.

One: A Power(ful) Day

I've mentioned about a podcast series "Happier with Gretchen Rubin" in my very first blog post.  Listening to her little tips on living a happier life has really helped me. Although I may not implement all her tips and ideas, she does motivate me to do just a little something each day. This past week I heard Gretchen & Elizabeth talk about having a Power Hour once a week. I usually listen to the podcast before falling asleep and I'm not sure if she some how hypnotized me, but the following morning I woke up and literally had a Power Day! From the time I woke up until the time I went to bed, I was so efficient with my time. I knocked things off my to do list that had been on there for months! I think when you read a motivational book or something like this, it somehow sticks with you even if you don't realize it. Surrounding yourself with positive people and reading or listening to a positive message and can help motivate you to be a more a powerful and positive version of yourself.

Three: A Precious Relationship

Just last night I spoke to my grandparents (Nana & Nani) from India after almost 3 months! My mom's parents live in India and my dad's parents live(d) here in the states. I say lived because I just lost my grandfather this past November, so now it's just my Ba (dad's mom). I think overall, I did my best to make sure to call and visit him and my Ba as much as possible. Although, it never seems like it is enough once you loose someone. It's harder however with my Nana & Nani just because of the distance. But I feel like in this day and age, it's not a good enough excuse. I typically go to India every 3 to 4 years at the least. They use to come visit us too, but now with older age they don't care to travel much. My Nani (mom's mom) was telling me over the phone how 3 of her relatives had passed away just this March. It just made me realize now precious time is and how I need to make more of an effort to call, video chat, and see them more often. I can always tell that even a 5 minute conversation with them makes their day and even mine. I definitely need to make more of an effort to treasure and nurture my relationship with them. You never realize quickly time slips away until it's gone.
This is one of my favorite pics from my parent's wedding. 
This is both of my grandfathers signifying the two families coming together as one.

What are three things you'd like your share from your week?

If you're interested in joining the linkup with Salma, Raj, and Nisha, visit their blog for full details.


  1. Love your blog! I know your A Glimmer of Light will continue to grow brighter. Thank you for the reminder to call my Nani and tell her I miss her.

    1. Actually just checked out your blog via Salma's 3TT and seriously love it too! I will definitely be following! Thank you for stopping by and you're sweet comment! :)

  2. It's so wonderful that you are sharing your feelings on the blog because I know that there are so many people can relate and they can know they are not alone. I'm so happy for your glimmer of hope and I know you can stay strong! I recently started reading a book called the Happiness Project and it really helped me in feeling more happiness in my life. Really glad you're joining us again for 3 Things Thursday and I really enjoy reading your posts.

    1. Thank you Salma! Actually the podcast is by the same person who is the author for the Happiness Project book - Gretchen Ruben. I've really been enjoying 3TT and starting to look forward to reading what others are upto. Thanks for coming up with a such a great way to connect with others.

  3. That picture of your grandfathers is awesome. Where in India is your family from? My dad is from Kerala. I haven't been back since 2004- I'm definitely hoping I can make a trip soon! I agree that I always feel better after talking to a friend or family on the phone, even for a few minutes!

    I listened to the first episode of the Happier podcast and really enjoyed it! She shared the "one minute rule" which is such a great I'm interested to keep listening and learn about the power hour!

    ♥ perfectly Priya

    1. My parents are from Gujurat, but I was born and raised in Bombay (Mumbai) until I was 10 years old. I've heard Kerala is incredible. Last year we went down to south to Banglore... but Kerala is still on the list. I love South Indian food!!

      I'm glad you're enjoying the Happier podcasts as well! :)
