Thursday, April 23, 2015

Three Things Thursday: A Drink, A Plant,& A Birthday

One: A Drink

This weekend was super chill for us. We ate Indian food, watched a movie - Wedding Ringer - it was pretty funny, went for a run together, and Chirag also got me to the driving range somehow! Needless to say, I am pretty pathetic when it comes to golf. But the entire weekend was beautiful weather, and I just wanted to be outdoors. On Saturday night, I was craving this Jalapeno Margarita drink our neighbor, VJ, had made for us the previous weekend. Him and his wife had actually gifted me a bottle of Solorzano Tequila for my birthday last month and we just so happen to have some jalapeno, limes, and simple syrup around. So my personal mixologist - my husband - looked up some recipes on how to make the drink. But some how we still ended up missing one or two ingredients from the different recipes he found online. So, he just created his own with whatever we had and let me tell you... it was delicious!!
1 shot glassful of tequila
1/4 shot glassful of simple syrup
1/4 shot glassful of triple sec
1/4 shot glassful of lime juice (or less)
1/2 jalapeno seedless muttled (or less)

Mix all the ingredients together, add ice, shake, shake, shake... pour & enjoy!

Two: A Plant

I wrote in my previous post about how I wanted to learn to garden, however I wasn't born with the green thumb at all. So far, I've killed a basil plant, an aloe vera plant, and some other herb plant - I don't even remember what it was. But I've been determined to grow some beautiful flowering plants in our patio this season. So, we went to Home Depot - totally clueless! I had no idea which plant would be good for us. Some need full sun, some need shade, some need to be watered often, some don't, some need to be pruned, some don't... my head was starting to spin. Then I saw this beautiful hydrangea plant! It already had some flowers that were blooming, which is great because it meant I could still enjoy the plant while learning to take care of it and hoping for more flowers bloom. I've been watering it daily and keeping it slightly in the shade. The only thing I'm still not sure of is when and how to cut the flowers if I was ever to want to display them in the house. There is all this talk about new wood and old wood... it's confusing. If you have any tips... please do share! For now, I'm really trying to do my best to take care of it and just enjoy it on our patio. It makes me so happy! :)

Three: A Birthday

It was sister's birthday this past Monday! It sucks to live far away from family and I miss her, especially at times like these. I haven't always been the best older sister. We use to fight a lot when we were younger. But as we both get older and wiser we have both gotten a lot closer to each other. We pretty much talk everyday. She is always there for me. I'm definitely a lot more out-spoken and she's typically shy. Lately though, she's really come out of her shell and I hope her confidence continues to grow. She's definitely way more mature and beautiful than me! :) I know this year is going to be very big for her and I wish her lots & lots of love and success!

I've started to look forward to Thursdays now... just so I can pick my top three things from the past week. If you're interested in joining the link up. Please visit the hosts: Salma, Nisha, or Raj 's blog, for all the details.

What were your top three's this week?

p.s. The recipe has been updated!


  1. That drink sounds so good! When I was in Austin for a bachelorette party, we all got watermelon jalapeno margaritas one night. DELICIOUS! And I'm not a huge spicy drink person either.

    And speaking of Indian movies, I have "Yeh Jawani Hai Diwani" lined up and ready to go!

    1. Watermelon jalapeno sounds good... I'll have to request that from my bartender next time ;)

      My husband isn't a good Indian movie kinda guy, but even he liked Yeh Jawani Hai Diwani! Ranbir and Deepika are really good in the movie together. Hope you enjoyed it.

  2. oooh that drink sounds amazing!!! I love spice anything!!

    1. So great to have you stop by Sarita! :) I hope you'll try out the drink... you can adjust the spice to you liking... just muttle more jalapenos!

  3. Hi Marlen, I love anything with siracha... plus pineapple is one of my favorite fruits! So that drink might be right up my alley!! I'll have to see if I can find a recipe for it. Glad to have you stop by! :)

  4. I have no green thumbs here... maybe a little bit of green skin that's a millimeter in there somewhere because I've only managed to keep one plant alive in the last 3 years. It's my baby and it was close to dying last summer. My friend and I just planted some herbs today and she promised me that my lack of green thumb would not be an issue, but I don't know... I'm still worried and eagerly waiting for them to sprout! PS. I'm so honored that you are following me <3

    Roxi -

    1. Hi Roxi, I know exactly what you mean! I feel like it's my little baby too... and actually I just went and bought another potted mini-rose bush from Trader Joe's yesterday. I really hope that I can keep both of them alive. I'm already worried about who is going to water my plants when I'm gone next month! I enjoy reading your posts... glad to have you stop by! :)

  5. I always look forward to 3 things thursday too Reshma and I'm so happy you link up because I enjoy reading your posts. The drink sounds great, I've never heard of one with JalapeƱo! And I'm totally with you on the plant killing. Good luck with the hydrangea and you should check out self watering plant containers for some herbs, I've heard they help. Happy belated birthday to your sister. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Hmm... self watering planIt containers? That sounds amazing! I'll definitely look them up. I always enjoy reading your 3TT as well :)
