Thursday, April 9, 2015

Three Things Thursday: A Letter, A Trip, & A Goal

I enjoyed linking up with Nisha, Salma, and Raj last week on 3TT, so I decided to do it again. It's nice to take a little time to recap the week for myself as well as as see what others have been up to.

One: A Letter to Future Self

I was inspired to do this after reading this post by Kristian and Priya also mentioned it on this post. This year I have a couple of very specific career and personal goals in mind and this seemed like the perfect idea! So, I actually just sat down wrote a letter to my future self! It's been a long time since I've put pen to paper. I'm use to typing everything and my handwriting is really horrible these days. I'm glad I did it though. It was nice take a little time to think about what really matters to me and where I hope to be this time next year. I really hope that when I open the letter that I will be a healthier and happier person than I am today and will have a reached majority of my goals.

Two: A Trip to Houston

This past Sunday I took a quick trip down to Houston to interview for a possible job that could really be great for my career. I'm really not sure if I will get the job or if I want to move again, but just the opportunity to interview for such a great position was something I couldn't pass up! So I decided to take it one step at a time and see what happens. I'm quiet the planner, but so far nothing has gone according to plan in my life... yet, I'm still happy and everything always works out in the end! Anyways, while down there I looked up Fusion Taco in downtown Houston. It's a pretty cool taco joint. I had the agedashi tofu and crispy tofu masala tacos (they had me at tofu! ;)). The flavors of both tacos were really good, but pieces of tofu were a little to thick and large for my liking. I also had the kale and mango side salad and it was probably my favorite! If you ever go to Houston, I think it's definitely worth checking out!

Three: A Goal for the Week

I will be taking a important exam one month from now and I really want to pass! It has been a goal of mine for quiet some time now to get this certification. It will really help me grow and open new doors in regards to my career. Sometimes it's very overwhelming with the amount of material there is to study. I work from home right now and it's great. I do like the advantages it has to offer like a flexible schedule,  but that also means less structure in my life. And like I said I'm a planner and I crave structure. So, this week I sat down and made a specific schedule for myself to make sure I work, study, exercise and relax all in a timely fashion. I'm trying to start with a small goal for this week. My goal is to be in bed by 11pm even if I'm not asleep and to wake up by 7:30am. So far, I'm getting in bed but I still working til about 12:30-1pm. Hopefully I get better at this goal as the week goes on.

Did you try anything new this week or take a trip somewhere?


  1. We enjoyed having you link up last week and glad you're back again. The letter is a such a great idea! I can imagine how it'll be a year from now to look back and see what you've accomplished from the goals you set out. And good luck on the exam!! Happy Thursday .

    1. Thanks Salma! I really hope I'm not disappointed this time next year with I open it!

  2. Love the letter idea! Good luck on your exam :) Happy Thursday!

    1. Thanks Taslim! Glad to have you stop by! :)

  3. Thanks for the shout-out, again! You're a superfan, and I don't have many (any). Thanks :)))

    I used to write a letter to myself at the end of every year, to open at the the start of the year after. This was when I was in hs so they are mostly pretty silly...but still a neat thing to do. I really admire your discipline in making a schedule for yourself! Working from home seems great in some aspects, but also, I'm not sure I could get out of bed/stay focused!

    Also- I'm officially following you via Google Reader, so I'll never miss a post!

    ♥ perfectly Priya

    1. You have just totally made my day!!! Thank you so much for being the first "official" follower! :D I've already been following you as well, definitely a fan! ;)
